Light a Candle


Lisa Marie

August 18, 2013

May God's strength and guidance be with my son as he asks for this position with a new firm. I pray that God will be with him.



August 18, 2013

Continued prayers for Teresa that God is His compassion may conclude her suffering in the nursing home and guide her Home. For Martin whose birthday was Aug. 15th. that God may continue to bless him with great courage in his struggle with HD. For Bobby that he may have a successful outcome with his cancer treatments. That God is His kindness will continue to bless me with an abundance of Hope and Patience one day at a time and for Serenity with my financial difficulties. Lord in Your Mercy hear our prayers.


Lisa Modica

August 18, 2013

Dear Heavenly Father, Please protect my daughter and make her well in spirit, body, mind. Help her to accept the love of others and erase the pain of the past. Heal her for she has been sick for so long and she is so. Amen


Lisa Modica

August 18, 2013

Dear Heavenly Father Protect us all from the evils of the world and help me to serve you and my fellow man. Amen


Diane Dyas-Bernstein

August 18, 2013

Please dear Lord welcome little Corbin into your arms so that he may suffer no more. Thanks be to God



August 18, 2013

Thank you My Dear Lord for all my blessings. I sure miss my Honey Bunny and I know she is my Angel keeping an eye on me now and forever. I Love You my pet. Thank you dear Lord for good friends & family. Pray for me and our friend Maragret as she is not doing well. Thank you Dear Lord for all past and future blessings.


Simon Mok

August 17, 2013

I pray that God will help me in the healing of my muscle loss as well as the aches and pains on my legs and arms.


Alice Potts

August 16, 2013

Solution for rash/hives on Kelly.



August 15, 2013

Please help me with my troubles? Please help me to be a kinder & more understanding spirit? Thank you. Please help me with my health issues? Thank you



August 15, 2013

Please help my Mother & Sister adjust to living & caring for each other? Thank You. Please help my daughter-in-law's Mother to recover from her illness? Thank you.


Jan Herold

August 15, 2013

That my family be blessed with love, understanding, success, health and happiness throughout their lives. To please keep my grandson safe and healthy as he grows and to please grant him the knowledge he will need to make the right decisions throughout his life. Please Dear God, lead the souls of all my departed love ones to heaven so they may be with you and your Son, Jesus Christ, for eternity. I love you and thank you with all my heart.



August 15, 2013




August 14, 2013

Thank you lord for all my blessings. I ask for you continued help with my job and health. Please help me get back to my healthy lifestyle. Please help me with the surgery I need also help my sister with her health issues.


Theresa Ferreri Carroll

August 14, 2013

Dear Lord, please help my cousin Linda's surgery to be successful and for her to make a complete recovery. I have so much faith in you sweet Jesus as you have always been there for us. I will pray for Linda and my family will also. Thank you, Jesus.



August 14, 2013

Our Father who art in Heaven please pray that our friend Brenda has a safe trip and a good Doctors report.



August 12, 2013

please help my Mom with her ills, my Son with their paths and fear of marriage and my Brother with his future...I worry about International and national news to a point of depression and my Husbands unpleasant surgery...I know Its a lot...sorry I forgot Brenda and Mo Safety.....Thank You Amen


Maria C.

August 11, 2013

I want to talk with you Jesus and say that I know you for all the well you talk to me about. Today I only say you Jesus watch me during mine sickness and now complete recovery. Lite my candle for me to continue my speedy health recovery and for the Doctors that looked over me and whose hands and thoughts worked together with you Jesus to make me better. My prayers and thoughts with you this Sunday.


Eugene L. Kurtz

August 11, 2013

Dear Jesus and God. Please watch over my 3 daughter's and son and my 9 grandchildren and keep them safe and may they have a long and happy life on this earth. Please forgive their sins and also mine and help my mother and father find Heaven.



August 11, 2013

Jesus and God of Abraham cure my brother of his back and knees pains. Give him back his vibrant strength to do the things he loved to do. Please pray for all of my family members and guide us all to always do your will. Save us all from temptation and all evil. A safe trip for the kids and a blessed journey for them as they grow.


a Mom

August 11, 2013

I pray for my daughter that she will meet kindness and generosity in life matched by her own kindness and generosity but that she not be taken advantage of. That she will find a good job that she loves or be able to decide on a good grad school to match her talents and capabilities. That she learn the ways of the world without too much difficulty and meet good people/friends along the way. Please guide her, keep her safe and healthy and that she may have good close relationship with us her family.



August 11, 2013

Pls. pray for our beloved friend, Thomas Shaw S.S.J.E., the Episcopalian Bishop of the Diocese of Boston. He is a good, kindly and compassionate Shepherd. He has a malignant brain tumor. We all hold him in our hearts. Lord in Your Mercy hear our prayer.



August 11, 2013

Pls. your prayers for Martin. Had a tough week struggling with HD. Also, continue to keep Teresa, Bobby, and myself in your prayers. Thank you. Lord in Your Mercy hear our prayer.



August 11, 2013

Thank you My Dear Lord for all my blessings. I sure miss my Honey Bunny and I know she is my Angel keeping an eye on me now and forever. I Love You my pet. Thank you dear Lord for good friends & family. Pray for me and keep John J safe at this time and he comes home safely. Also pray for our friend Maragret as she is not doing well.


Susan Russo

August 10, 2013

This is for a baby who is critically ill, named Corbin. His young parents have asked for prayers for their precious son, who has endured several surgeries. He wasn't expected to live. He is now over 100 days old and keeps rebounding. I heard Corbin's story on FB and am asking for the Lord's intervention. Many people are praying for Corbin. If you should read this, please pray for this child.


Angie Laidlaw

August 10, 2013

Dearest God and all my saints praying for the special intentions of Annemarie, Mary and mine for good health, employment and inner peace thank you


Angie Laidlaw

August 10, 2013

Thank you for all my blessings Please dear God good health for my family and friends please give my legs strength to walk without cane


D. Richards

August 8, 2013

I pray for a swift profitable invention process so I can fund the needs of my family, my son find a job, Aunt recover health, my health with weight loss improves promoting peace and happiness.Harmony and true team work will prevail on my job.B Greg who has been out of work can quickly sell his house at profit to get on his feet. The Pope visionary clarity.



August 8, 2013

Dear God, Thank you for my job, but Lord I plea to you to please help me to find a better one. Lord my feet is in excruciating pain daily from standing and I feel like they will give out on me any day now. I'm standing now and the pain makes me feels like crying. Also Lord my credit is so bad lord and I need help in fixing it so I can provide my kids with a better life. The three of us sleep in one bed in the small room we rent. I feel like a failure to them and it's really sad, they deserve so much better. Holy Mother please send sweet scents of Roses up to your son that he may hear my prayer and grant me favor. In Jesus name. AMEN.



August 7, 2013

Please help my Mr. Lyle to get a new job with health insurance? Thank you. Please help us with all our farming struggles, the harvest, & the bills? Thank you. Please help Lyle to get better & not suffer from so much pain? Thank you



August 7, 2013

Happy "86th" birthday Dad. Can't believe it's your 3rd b-day in Heaven already. Miss you everyday. Please help keep watching over Mom & help her to recovery from her bad fall? Thank you. Please help the adjustment of living with Mary Lu go smoothly? Thank you. I love you always.