February 11, 2025
LORD,please have Mercy,shower all Grace on my family,on my father, on teachers,students, priests, on proabortion people,proabortion "Catholics", on politicians - B.,H.,Sz., P.,the Hungarian, Russian, Ukrainian politicians,Z.,B.,L.,S.,L.,W.,M.,N.,R.,politicians in USA,Middle East,EU,NATO through intercession of Mary! You may cover with Your Precious BLOOD,close in Your HEART,in Your Holy WOUNDS them!LORD, please protect me and all bikers, scooter-and autodrivers, pedestrians in Zugló and Újpalota from causing accident and harming any lives or vehicles. You may cover with Your Precious BLOOD,close in Your HEART,in Your Holy WOUNDS us!
Please grant me the Grace to watch and attend the roads, bicycle roads, traffic signs, other auto-and scooter-drivers, bikers, pedestrians, crosswalks. Please grant me the Grace to drive safely, carefully and orderly through YOUR MERCY, through intercession of Immaculate Heart of Mary!
LORD,You may protect Hungary,Bp,my village and married couples! LORD, please grant us purity,a lot of Perpetual Masses https://perpetualmasses.org/ for an abortionless world,for proabortion people and peace; new enrollments in Mission Mass League https://www.divinewordgifts.org/request-mass/perpetual-enrollment?fbclid=IwAR1MWuApz67ObY-Ks-t9oF06zqyHJb7D7FQJ7VbitaBDhd2oiaoqg5hDxcs and spread of Spiritual Adoption through Your Mercy,through intercession of Mary!Thank you. Thank GOD for Life!
February 11, 2025
Dear Lord, thank you for your many blessings and favor on us, good health, safety, security and each other. Thank you for continuing to bless us in these ways and more. Amen.
February 11, 2025
Dear Lord, I pray to you for healing for Mike K. and complete recovery from the stroke he suffered. May he be able to communicate again. Thank you. Amen.
February 11, 2025
For my daughters shipping package purchase that was delivered to the wrong address by carrier be Corrected and sent returned to its proper location. For Help to All doing their work that is important to others to be accurate and efficient for All. Amen.
February 11, 2025
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for all you do and all you provide for each of us. Lord Please Help the World and All in it. Thank you for each day. Lord Please cure the sick and prevent illness. Lord Please heal all who are suffering. Lord Please comfort all who loss loved ones. Lord Please Help my family all people and myself. Lord Please always be with us, protect, guide and defend us. Thank you Lord for being with us. Lord Please Help All with their Faith, Health, Safety, Peace, Relationships. Lord Please help all with the weather, their needs and safety. Lord Please Allow everyone to work, travel, commute,drive, walk, ride, fly, sail safely to depart, arrive and return safely always. Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.
February 11, 2025
Dear God, please have my husband's family follow You in all that they do, especially my husband's younger brother. Please free them from the evil of the world, and bring them into your gloriousness, so that they may live peacefully and happily in Your love.
February 11, 2025
Dear Lord, please get my sister to stop being a disrespectful, codependent person who constantly harasses me, and who refuses to believe me when I say that I cannot contact her because I am busy or sick. Please have her be more independent and to follow you, Lord, in all that she does.
February 11, 2025
February 11, 2025
Dear God, Thank you so much for all your blessings and please bless our day too. Please also bless and give our family strength with what we’re going through especially my husband and son. Please bless that everything will work out for the better for my son and our family. Protect my son from bad influences and always guide him into your way of life. Also give him strength to study for his exams and pass them. Continue to keep our family safe and protect us from all harm. Give my daughter the confidence she needs and strength to do good in school. Good health to our families especially my husband and daughter. A speedy recovery for my dad, P, TC, KB, Jr, MJ, R and J. For my husband's job to workout. Bless the departed souls of my mom and uncle and may they both rest in peace. Continue to give our family strength to cope with their passing especially my dad and including everything else. Keep him healthy and safe always. Due to the pandemic, give all of us affected strength with the challenges we still face and our continued recovery from its effects. Please heal the world and have peace too. Thank you. Amen.
February 11, 2025
Dear St. Paul of the Cross please ask God to please banish our financial homeless crisis, I am ashamed that I got us into this mess; please stop all Jeffrey's suffering because of my financial selfishness; thank you for helping me find his k ; please cure all his illnesses & mental illness, please clear his ac, and stop all his tb pain and any complications right away today; please stop his v; d; h; right away today; please make the g help him to find peace & sl, etc right away & also make him not have to g a & bmp & fix tel vid & sgo & ama; please help him now to stop bringing up the negative past; please make Jeffrey's game playing put money in the bank right away; please make us win right away this week, this month, this year, the next pch $5000 a week or the next large pch MD money prize so we can pay back, help others and get Jeffrey's teeth and he will be financially set when I die; please help me now to treat Jeffrey better and better each day and please help me to not hurt his feelings and stop interrupting him and stop our arguing and raising my voice and stop doing things that annoy him. Please help me to control my feelings and outbursts right away. Please help me to be more tolerant & bn. Please repair his ipad pro that I broke. Thank you God for the increases and making Jeffrey get back his disability money & WM right away so we don't have to worry about the monthly rent. Please make us be accepted by aff. Please make Jeffrey accomplish all requirements long before the appeal hearing; please make him get back his medicaid right away today ; please make his Dr. appointments be successful; please make the Dr continue his recommendations that Jeffrey cannot work; make all his tests be done in the office, nothing new is found,and no operations or hospital visits or stays are required ; please make him get a great representative and his hearing results go in his favor complete with an increase. Please stop all his bad dreams and all recurring bad thoughts & sz & ep right away today. Please make Jeffrey get free rides to all appointments. Please bless all family members, friends, and aquaintances both living and deceased. Thank you for B's c&c and please kmh&ntp&csw&sb&l&bn right away today. Please help me to easily get all the benefits and ebt I possibly can right away and blu th hearing aids and contacts cheaply. Please make my new hearing aids work perfectly for me now & f with bluth.Please make me fix and connect the ec and ipad & ph. today. Thank you for all your blessings to date. Please Dear Lord bestow peace now, after the presidential election . Please help me with all that is in my heart. I am also offering a PRAYER DONATION in support of THE SUNDAY MASS. I ask all this in Jesus' name. Amen
Brian P
February 11, 2025
Our Lady of Lourdes.
I need healing, and be cured now of
Keratoconus left eye for 19 years now.
I can't see left eye. I have blured vision left eye for 19 years now. I can't see left eye. I need healing, be cured now of Keratoconus and normal vision both eyes now.
I need healing, be cured now also Lady of
Lourdes learning and developmental disabillties now for the past 49 years now.
I am disabed. I have learning and developmental disabillties my whole life now.
I need healing, be cured now also no more eye problems and no more learning and developmental disabillties.
Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems.
Pray for our Blessed Mother and all our saints now Amen.
February 11, 2025
Dear Lord: I ask you to help those like Greg and Cori to heal and find jobs they can do. Amen
February 11, 2025
From & For Inka Muljati & Husband, Children & our Descendants forever: I ask for myself, my husband, my family & our descendants until the end of the world, God's blessing & protection everlastingly like Abraham so that we may love one another forever & never to hurt one another forever, glorify God all our lives and for eternity in heaven, for the salvation of our souls and bodies for eternity (grace of conversion). I ask healing from a contagious disease, and never to catch contagious disease again, to be healthy always, I ask the same graces for my family & our descendants forever. I ask God so that our descendants may have good spouses according to God's will and God's heart until the end of ages. For all my relatives & their descendants forever, and for Beny, my relative who is sick, I ask God for health, God's protection & blessing everlastingly and salvation of their souls & bodies for eternity (grace of conversion). I ask this through the intercession of St Padre Pio, St Don Bosco, and all the saints in heaven.
February 11, 2025
For the eternal salvation of, proper catholic burial of (not cremation) and health of body&soul of Rose Gulhan, Yeremia Monte, Ronald Reagen & Brigitta Immaculata forever.
I ask God so that my trip to Japan with Ana Airlines goes smoothly and I can go there and go home safely.
For Our Lady of Medjugorje's intentions forever especially for conversion of sinners, relief for souls in purgatory, and for world peace forever and an end of wars forever.
For Benjamin Netanyahu, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Putin. For current & future leaders of the countries of the world. For world peace forever. For Russia, Israel, United States, Indonesia. For the end of war forever, and may war not spread. Hopefully it won't become a third world war with nuclear weapons (weapons from North Korea) forever. Hopefully Indonesia will never be involved in war forever. For the salvation of souls and bodies for God's chosen people forever, may God give them victory and protection from evil people who try to destroy them forever. I ask this through the intercession of St. Padre Pio, St. Jude Thaddeus, St Don Bosco, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and all the Saints, Holy Angels, and Archangels.
February 11, 2025
Dear Lord, please keep my baby boy healthy and safe. Please help his neck and spine be normal with no infection, inflammation, disease or any abnormalities. May he have no pain or discomfort and play, eat, sleep and all his functions be normal without incident or concerns. May he eat and digest his food properly and normally with no issues. May his entire bodily functions, glands, organs, spine, muscles, tendons, discs, entire body and tests results all be normal with no concerns. May this new food we are giving him heal his body and be really good for him. May it and anything he eats cause no issues for him at all now or later and be an easy and smooth transition. Thank you for our many blessings. Amen
February 11, 2025
Merciful Father, I pray in particular that my father, my mother, my mother's eldest sister, my elder brother, and Sister McNally through the mercy of God, will rest in peace. May God welcome them in His Kingdom. Grant eternal rest, O Lord. We make our prayer through Jesus Christ, our risen Lord forever, Amen. O immaculate Heart of Mary, May my father, mother, big aunt, eldest brother and Sister McNally enter the Kingdom of God. Pray for us O Holy Mother of God. To You I entrust my hopes. Amen.
February 11, 2025
For your Help with the weather, needs and safety. Amen.
February 11, 2025
Thank You Lord Jesus. Thank you TheSundaayMass.Org.
February 11, 2025
For GOOD in the World to always be Greater than any evil. For Only Good leaders everywhere. For World peace, no crime, no wars, no harm. For your Help Lord to Correct, Resolve, Eliminate the Man Made Problems and those who Create them. For the Faith, Health, Safety, Peace, Needs
Prayer's for Everyone Everywhere. Amen.
February 11, 2025
Thank you Lord Jesus for all you do and all you provide for each of us. Lord Please cure the sick and prevent illness. Lord Please heal all who are suffering. Lord Please comfort all who loss loved ones. Lord Please allow everyone to work, travel, commute, drive, walk, ride, fly, sail safely to depart, arrive and return safely always. Lord Please allow World Peace, Lord Please help my family all people and myself. Lord Please help all with the weather and their needs. Thank you. Amen.
February 11, 2025
Please merciful God in the name of Jesus cure sickness blood spots behavior cold cough fever ear eye infections congestion rsv speech have mercy pity almighty Gracious compassionate God the father Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit St Monica St Paul of the cross and all the saints and archangels guardian angels miracles for no rsv diseases cure speech blood spots ear foot toes vertigo sickness hemorrhoids arthritis leg wealth no fires falls suits problems bugs rodents aud good health good luck remove curse no breakages no leaks St. Michael Padre Pio speech no problems please help protection graces cure the defects. Lord please have mercy on us no disease no leaks problems cure children Dan happy beautiful children Ivy League find a better house let him speak have pity Save all animals children babies from cruelty and labs keep him safe our lady of Lourdes speech socialize mature no blood spots no lead leaks protection from evil cure cough cold runny nose flu please no aud fear worries arguments renew lease for long time Successful laser good news Heat hot water St. Luke heal speech bloods spots ear no intestinal diseases Cure cold cough fever today Happy good news reward peaceful life more children no robberies break in mom dad aunts uncles grandparents in laws ask Jesus to have mercy on us today no disease cold make him speak remove blood spots fix ear my leg her legs no aud dad take care of house and business no lead pipes leaks walls mom take care of children Heat hot water warm house st Simon and Jude please miracles for us no hearing problem help mercy pity stop the madness St. Frances Xavier Cabrini mercy pity answer my prayers please fix defects speech blood spots no problems good thing wonderful news no lead cure colds bugs rodents Holy Spirit mercy speech blood spots ear legs behavior cold cough send angels to cure these things and no more problems aud we need help pity us answer my prayers please hurry no evil near us only good things graces wisdom joy speech st Cecilia speech no lead pipes no lead walls cure cough cold fevers ear infection blood spots knee legs ears water in ear save animals children babies asskcd no snow heat problems tickets heal leg urgent Need healing please God mercy pity Holy Spirit Blessed Mother speech cure my leg her legs blood spots ear fever runny nose congestion bugs rodents problem health wealth Blessed Mother you know my sorrows please cure my leg virus flu no breakage tickets sickness only good things Dan happy large Amt remaining St Ambrose Anthony Rocco Peregrine Clare Teresa cure speech leg dan no brain damage stealing Info problems car everything no snow robberies the church promised St John of the cross speech legs everything go wonderful behavior no snow fix car No problem with phone app internet miracles speech health legs ear blood spots beauty no more snow troubles banish problems send good things good news good luck no fever illness difficulties get well fast speech No cold coughs fever good health urgent please get well Save the animals children babies fix pipe speech no troubles worries anxiety bad decisions Banish all problems Sickness electrical snow cold weather heat hot water Shovel snow falls suits fires strep Cough congestion No more sickness problems cure us no more problems for us no more snow
February 11, 2025
Praying for Lorenzo to pass ALL exams
February 11, 2025
Praying for JOBS asap for Zoé, Philippe, Marielle, Benjamin and work for Luigi-Nicolas
February 11, 2025
Praying for safe walks and travels for Peter and family
February 11, 2025
Please pray for our fragile family: my husband (health safety and ours), our autistic son 's future (healing, finding a girlfriend, autonomy,keeping his job), our jobless slightly autistic daughter's future ( finding a job asap, conversion, marriage in the Church), her fiancé ( success ALL exams, Bachelor, conversion) and me in the struggle against despair
February 11, 2025
Pray for eternal salvation of
Rosario Rodrigues,
Rita Fernandes,
Angelina Fernandes,
Barnabe DeSa,
Sara Cardozo,
Inacinha Menezes,
Hermie Caldeira,
Eric Rodrigues,
Eleuterio Pereira,
Tiburcia Pereira,
Martin Fernandes,
Jevira Almeida,
February 11, 2025
Pray for eternal salvation of
Rosario Rodrigues,
Rita Fernandes,
Angelina Fernandes,
Barnabe DeSa,
Sara Cardozo,
Inacinha Menezes,
Hermie Caldeira,
Eric Rodrigues,
Eleuterio Pereira,
Tiburcia Pereira,
Martin Fernandes,
Jevira Almeida,
February 10, 2025
For the health and safety of my family. Lord, watch over us. Let us all have safe travels. Amen.
February 10, 2025
Dear Lord, please keep my baby boy healthy and safe. Please help his neck and spine be normal with no infection, inflammation, disease or any abnormalities. May he have no pain or discomfort and play, eat, sleep and all his functions be normal without incident or concerns. May he eat and digest his food properly and normally with no issues. May his entire bodily functions, glands, organs, spine, muscles, tendons, discs, entire body and tests results all be normal with no concerns. May this new food we are giving him heal his body and be really good for him. May it and anything he eats cause no issues for him at all now or later and be an easy and smooth transition. Thank you for our many blessings. Amen
February 10, 2025
Pray for a very special intention.