Light a Candle



October 9, 2015

Please help my daughter-in-law not to get laid-off? Thank you. Please help them with their bills? Thank you. Please help my son Jason & new daughter-in-law to buy a house of their own? Thank you Please help them not to hate us so bad? Thank you.



October 9, 2015

Please help us get caught up on our bills? Thank you. Please help us afford our children's weddings? Thank you. Please let the fall harvest & markets be excellent? Thank you Please help my husband to get well? Thank you


Patricia Roginski

October 9, 2015

Thank you for blessing me with a wonderful husband. Please help me so we can have many more years together in your name I pray Amen


Patricia Roginski

October 9, 2015

Dear God, there is so much illnes in the family. Please help us all. Thank you for getting me through a bad night.


Patricia Roginski

October 9, 2015

Dear God, I pray for your help and guidance as I face all my health problems in your name I pray Amen


angela domino

October 8, 2015

Thanksgiving Health and safety of Doino and Christian families. Return to good health for angela Return of eyesight for angela Health for Luke Colluzzi Peace for Marilyn


Marie Conte

October 7, 2015

Please help my son, Bob, to be able to be calm without anxiety as he approaches the operating room for his spinal operation. Please give him the comfort and peace he needs to face this operation. He is very frightened and anxious..........please remove all the fright and anxiety tonight and tomorrow. Please let his operation be a success. I pray to you. Lord, Bless my Bobby. Keep him safe and well and able to enjoy his life for many, many healthy, happy years to come. God Bless!


Marie Conte

October 7, 2015

This candle is being lit for my son, Bob, that he may come out of his spinal operation with extremely good health and well-being.


Marie Conte

October 7, 2015

Please make my son Bob's operation be a success.


Marie Conte

October 7, 2015

This candle is also for my son Bob, to have his spinal operation go well and make him very healthy, with a good strong back.


Marie Conte

October 7, 2015

Please help my son, Bob, to come out of his spinal operation and to be a total success.



October 7, 2015

The Pope, continue to teach the message of Love and charity



October 7, 2015

Prayer of thanksgiving



October 7, 2015

For an easy day



October 7, 2015

for Petey, get better


mary olson

October 5, 2015

Happy birthday Mario Costa. Miss you so much. Wish you were still with us even though your with Ida now.


Marie Conte

October 5, 2015

Dear Lord and all the Saints: Please keep my son free from fear regarding his upcoming operation. Please let him know peace right now and the days to follow up until the operation. Please don't let him be so totally afraid with the coming of the operation. I beg you, please let the operation be a success. It's a very dangerous operation, but please let the doctors do the tremendously good job to cure my son Bob, of all the suffering he's been through. I beg you, please!



October 4, 2015

GOD : Please give my husband a good opportunity on his job, where he can contribute and be needed and appreciated.



October 4, 2015

Dear God: Please grant good health to all my family, specially my mom Gladys and my sister Fernanda.



October 4, 2015

Dear God: I pray for my siblings so they end all their feuds and our family come back together as one.


Olga C

October 4, 2015

God, Please help my sister Costi to sell her apartment so she danger back on her feet and therefore, recover her health.


Dianne Lynn

October 4, 2015

Lord I pray for favor for my brother Darryl as he builds his business. And my son Marcus, as he struggles to support the household with him smile and kind heart. Amen


Dianne Lynn

October 4, 2015

The Lords blessings be upon me and my finances while in my search for full-time employment, may the Lord lead me to the right employer, the one he has chosen just for me. Amen



October 4, 2015

Thanksgiving and lifting up JEANETTE's prayers to our Lord


Theresa Olliney

October 4, 2015

Dear Lord, Please keep my family safe, healthy and strong in faith.


Mrs. O.

October 4, 2015

Please send Matt home safely to his family and friends.



October 4, 2015

Lord I need you to keep me strong and that all that I hope and work for will cone true. And that my husband will trust you as I do.


Dietra Malik

October 4, 2015

In the Loving Spirit of St. Francis of Assisi... "Make me a channel of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me bring your love. Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord. And where there's doubt, true faith in you." Amen.


Patricia Rogiski

October 3, 2015

Please Lord help my son Steve Who is so ill and sole support to his family. Please make him well soon in your name I pray Amen



October 3, 2015

Thank you my dear Lord for all my blessings. I sure miss my Honey Bunny, I know she is in Heaven praying for me , our friends and family. Thank you dear lord for friends and Family. Pray for all our friends who are ill at this time, and thank you for 2-14-1957. Please keep an eye out for our friend Kelly.